"It’s just for them to watch, but no one is allowed to know the mystery." Ancient Han Li shook his head and said loudly, "This secret method must not be spread without Wang Daoyou’s permission. Even his relatives and friends can’t reveal anything about it. If Lu reveals its secrets,Continue Reading

When Ye Chen asks every question, Xiaohong will answer that everyone is shocked, and his surprise is beyond words. He can accurately say that the symptoms before the onset of the queen can say that he knows this strange disease and probably knows the cure. Brother Ye, what’s wrong withContinue Reading

Thinking that Xuan Naive put powerful gods there, Fiona Fang was thousands of meters away, and even an ant’s movement could not escape his spirit sleep, but he just didn’t feel any signs of people. This makes Xuan naive suddenly feel a chill in his back, not afraid of him,Continue Reading

They are extremely fast in shape and sharp in light, but they just can’t touch Meng Fei’s skirts, so they can wield their swords in vain. In Meng Fei’s eyes, their posture is still not fast enough, and their swordsmanship is flawed. After the surge in skills, they have lostContinue Reading

He returned to the castle section with more than a dozen hands of Mo Yueqi, or he walked into the room with words and others. Xiaowen Xiaowu welcomes Lainiang, and you are back. Hehe, darling Xiaoxiao, touch two little heads. We had a little accident today. We didn’t have aContinue Reading