He returned to the castle section with more than a dozen hands of Mo Yueqi, or he walked into the room with words and others. Xiaowen Xiaowu welcomes Lainiang, and you are back. Hehe, darling Xiaoxiao, touch two little heads. We had a little accident today. We didn’t have aContinue Reading

Therefore, once they find someone who wants to find someone, they may pat their ass and leave directly. Then they will suffer and suffer, and they will be the guy who sells his legacy. After this judgment, the poison shadow has a strong biliary tract, and the two evil spiritsContinue Reading

Shicheng’s main suspicion was that it was like a bomb that caused a burning city to stir up in an instant. The eyes were incredible. Looking at that young figure, Lin Lin was able to defeat Yueshan. They were amazed, but they were not extremely shocked, but their eyes wereContinue Reading

With a quick mind, Fang Yun continued to plunder other places and collect herbs. "Red jade is a blessing!" Fang Yun in the air, saw a few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together, gently swept, it is necessary to transplant this medicinal material into the "universal clock of heavenContinue Reading